XDraw – Rescore

Choreography will be inspired by a set of glyphographic drawings of the well-known American pop-art artist Jim Dine. Tony Thatcher will reinterpret a set of 40 drawings by Jim Dina, which will be the starting idea for creating motion language, choreographic structure and vocabulary performances as well as image prints that will be presented to performers as a fundamental motive and inspiration for building their own movement.

Immediate Thatcher’s observation and passing through the drawings of Jim Dine at the Morgan Museum will be a good basis for his interpretation and reinterpretation on which to build a dramaturgy project.

Jim Din is a well-known American pop art artist. He participated in the first pop art exhibition in the Norton Simon Museum in New York together with Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Worhol.

The drawings that will be included in this performance have been made in the Glyptothek in Munich (Museum of Ancient Sculptures) and all 40 drawings are inspired by ancient ancient cultures.

Performers: Students from Trinity Laban Conservatoire for Music and Dance, London and Study of dance ADU, Zagreb 

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