Transformers tackle the idea of a transformative body, finding a vocabulary which uses physical expression, including movement, mime and voice, to establish communication between two entities. Transformative body is a body in a perpetual change, a body which changes following its internal impulses and external stimuli, thus effecting changes in its surroundings and other bodies around it. The duet Transformers explores how two bodies, two entities which are not completely defined, transform each other in their encounter. Do transfomation processes remain separate, or are they necessarily shared because of their interaction? Do individual entities reflect in each other, or they drift apart changed by the encounter? Can we really fully understand each other? How can we understand the other's needs and desires through body and senses? Can body communicate what eludes language?
Authors and performers: Ida Jolić and Marin Lemić
Dramaturgy support: Ivana Slunjski
Sound designer and music selection: Luka Gamulin
Photographer: Iva Korenčić
Graphic designer: Iva Leustek
Producer: Ivan Mrđen
The project is supported by the Ministry of Culture and realized in cooperation with the Zagreb Dance Center within the program Koreospektar.