THE DEN CONCERT is an interactive concert performance for children and their adults.
The concert features the performance of music from The Den Album motivating the audience to listen, move together, dance and simply enjoy themselves.
This is a format that is difficult to explain, but rolls very smoothly through the body.
The Den Concert invites you to laugh, play and enjoy moving around. By entering The Den, we return to our body, our home, and feel good there. The performance was created from The Den Album, an innovative interdisciplinary music album that aims to create a greater awareness of our body, increase the connection between body and mind, raise the awareness of our breath and ourselves, through a creative approach to working with the body, movement, dance and music, thus preventively affecting our overall well-being.
Choreography: Irma Unušić
Performance: Vanesa Petrac, Ivan Marojević, Irma Unušić
Costumes: Selena Gazda, Irma Unušić
Visuals: Petra Zlonoga
Photographs: Mirjana Pjevac
Donation by: Earthbound sneakers
Production: UO Shooma
Recommended age: children 4 to 11 years of age
Duration: 45 min.