Remix is meta-always unoriginal. At the same time, when implemented effectively, it can become a tool of autonomy – Eduardo Navas

NOT SO SIMPLE SAMPLE deals with the principles of music remixes/samples which later translate into dance material. A music sample (drums, melody, vocals, etc.) is taken out of its original composition and implemented into another music composition. I immediately place my dance sequence into a remix by changing its samples (movements) and placing them in a different order through editing. My body is divided in half, the upper and the lower part of the body move alternately, which enables the transfer of shapes in the space. While transfering the shape of the body, I randomly decide whether to change the sample of the torso or the legs, the whole body or a limb. I change the rhythm of the performance by using gestures and gazing into the audience, erasing at least for a little while the line between the private and the performance.

ŠIMUN STANKOV is a professional dance artist from Zagreb. He started dancing street dance styles and spent the following 10 years participating in many competitions, jams, etc. He broadened his activity by enrolling in the performance-oriented course at the Department of Dance of the Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb. He is one of the founders of EducationTV, livestreaming platform for underground music promotion. He is also a member of the artistic collective Škvadra. He often collaborates with the colleagues from the collective Pero Zloba i Tinu Ninu as perfomance support at their exhibitions. From 2014, he has worked on a series of projects with Croatian and international artists: Kenrick Sandy, Francesco Scavetta, Petra Hrašćanec, Saša Božić, Clement Layes, Ognjen Vučinić, etc.


Choreography and performance: Šimun Stankov
Music: Branimir Štivić aka Die Zoone

duration: 30 min

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