Le Zbor (HRV): Concert
Concert as part of the Queer Zagreb program Le choir gives in order to express their support for the creation of queer space in culture, especially at a time when the space of culture is under attack of various political powers.
In touch with the theme of this year's Queer Zagreb program that is dedicated to women and female artists even as an additional symbolic act of resistance because of constant attack on women's rights in Croatia, with their performance they want to show that women will not remain silent and quiet defending their rights.
Le Zbor is the first lesbian & feminist choir for women of any orientation in region and as well as in this part of Europe. It's famous for its perfect combination of cultural and art activism, and light melodies.
Since being formed in 2005, it has gained a reputation as a major supporter of human rights and cultural artistic activism, primarily among the urban youth, as well as with a wider audience. The choir includes around fifteen singers that perform a capella, as well as, occasionally, with a band.