Echo, a solo dance performance by Margareta Sinković, originates from two motivational bases: from desire to establish a specific performing relationship with music and to explore the auditory aspect of the dancer’s body. More specifically, to explore the body that will present a silent dance. The dramaturgical connection between musical layer and body-performing one is established by an almost oxymoronic conceptual question of how music can emphasize silence in the production of dance material.
Performing strategies used by the author for solving the problem mentioned above are establishing a listening mode while watching a dance performance, establishing a body that serves to support the auditory (musical) ambience (in other words, a dance that doesn’t interfere with the musical performance) and insisting on so-called spatial irregularities that lead to the porousness of the choreography for the purpose of spatial-ambient transformation of the dance performance.
The title Echo thus remains not only a metaphor with which one wants to ‘color’ the performance in terms of reception; it is intended for describing the target result of the stage process – retention and insistence on silencing as the last instance of spatio-temporal reverberation of dance content.
Choreography and performance: Margareta Sinković
Music: Elizabeta Marjanović
Dramaturgy: Luka Bosanac
Light design: Ema Kani
Photography: Eva Šustar
Visuals: Art and Design Studio Nikola Sinković
Production: UPUH
Co-production: ZPC
Premiere: 04.02.2023., ZPC
Duration: 45 min.
The project was developed and produced within ZPC’s program KOREOSPEKTAR 2023, and was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia.
KOREOSPEKTAR 2023 is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia and the City of Zagreb.