“My wish is big. I *egret. I deeply *egret it.”

“If I don’t *uck, I *asturbate. If I *uck, I usually do not *enetrate, mostly I am *enetrated. I *uck always and with great pleasure. Small *ocks, bent *ocks, pierced *ocks, old and young *ocks, once also a gigantic black *ock. I like to *uck with strangers in public toilets. Unprotected. Mostly I *uck with several guys at once. I regularly practice *ukkake, *isting, *issing, all at the same time. Unprotected. I love to *erk two *ocks at the same time, while I *uck the third and I have the fourth in my *ss. Unprotected. My greatest wish: two *ocks in my *ss at the same time. I admit, I’m still not *exually satisfied. I *egret. I deeply *egret it.”

Performance was concepted in the Via Negativa laboratory for contemporary performance art – VN lab.


Rok Kravanja (d. 1983), actor, performer and teacher. Graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy in Maribor (2009) and at the Academy of Theater, Radio, Film and Television (2014). He is at the same time active within the institutional culture (SNG Drama Ljubljana, MGL, Lutkovno gledališče, Cankarjev dom, APT Novo mesto) as well as in independent productions (Via Negativa, Maska, Škuc, Bunker, Gledališče Glej, Celinka, Moment Maribor, Exponto etc.). He also participates in the project “Predstava pod drobnogledom” of the institute Slovenski gledališki institutut and as student mentor in the project “ŠtudentTeater” of the Gledališče Glej theater.

Idea and performance: Rok Kravanja
Text: Rok Kravanja, Bojan Jablanovec
Artistic leadership: Bojan Jablanovec
Scene: Olja Grubić
Production: Via Negativa

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