Dance film evenings, 3rd edition
n cooperation with RIKŠAFILM Artistic Organization and Ljiljana Mikulčić, Zagreb Dance Centre organizes evenings of short films focusing on movements in the film industry and thus the dance film.
Screenings are followed by a discussion with the audience about the different short film form and how they affect the dance film.
1. Places We Go (2014., 5:30 min) – JOHAN PLANEFELDT
2. Event Horizon (2017., 4:34 min) – MARTINA NEVISTIĆ
3. A Story (2008., 8 min) – ANA BILANKOV
4. Catch (2017., 4:37 min) – VALENTINA LACMANOVIĆ
5. Untitled Until Today (8 min) – ADRIAN KÜNZEL
Displacement (2012., 7 min) – LILIANA RESNICK
Kuda idemo ne pitajte (1966., 10:25 min) – TOMISLAV GOTOVAC
Piramidas (1972. – 1984.,12 min) – IVAN LADISLAV GALETA
REFLEKS is a program that screens and discusses dance films in the context of audiovisual artwork in general. The program has started on February 2017 in Zagreb Dance Center, Ilica 10, Zagreb, Croatia, and will run regularly till June 2017 and hopefully will continue in September of 2017 again. Please check the website for the dates of screening.
Ljiljana Mikulčić, a filmmaker and choreographer, runs the program.
Ljiljana Mikulčić holds an MFA in Cinema from San Francisco State University, and BA in philosophy and comparative literature from University of Zagreb. She published many articles and essays in many newspapers and magazines in her native country and abroad. Her films are shown at many festivals around the world.