Bouquets from the finest graves
The foundation of this intimate authorial work is Instagram love poetry for lord Dracula, who personifies eternal love, which is, regardless of the time component, bound to come. Vampires’ need to go back into the moment in which they could, this time around, experience the final thrill and death is opposite to the need humans have for eternal youth. That dissonance is the ground on which the inst poetry is composed and it is afterwards staged in the form of a performance. The experience of vampires changes through history, but it corresponds to contemporary pop culture. Dracula is thus a contemporary man with whom one can spend romantic and eventful time. All vampire stories are different, but all have a common denominator; lust, escape form everyday life, the battle between good and evil, life and death, dreaming and waking life. This performance and the mentioned poetry describe the belief in love, which is metaphorically already here. His love vampirizes, awakens and impels to the transformations of femininity.
#bouquetsfromthefinestgraves #eternallove #lovemydracula
Choreography, Dramaturgy, Lyrics: Martina Granić
Graphic design: Niko Mihaljević
Set and Costume design: Martina Granić
Essay, Production: Irena Tomašić
Photography, Trailer: Iva Korenčić
Photography, Performance shooting: Krunoslav Marinac
Movement assistance: Ema Janković
Pole Dance choreography: Sanja Mihoc
Costume creation: Kristina Tešija & Nina Tarnovski (NTS)
Translation: Nina Sakić, Andrea Rožić
Thanks to: My Family, Botanike Girls, Denf Collective, Stefan Haus, Maja Jakuš, Marijo Škrinjar
Produced by: dance_lab collective
In collaboration with: Zagrebački plesni centar & HIPP / Zagreb dance center & HIPP
Supported by: Grad Zagreb, Ministarstvo kulture RH / City of Zagreb, Ministry of Culture RH
Duration: 45 min
Premiere: 9/12/2016., Zagreb Dance Center