Immeresed in their own beauty and distant from worldly events, the goddesses of art – Melania, Estefania and Yovanika are sent to Earth by gods to refresh their understanding of what art is nowadays. They depart for this journey and discuss their experience thereof. Divine blindness is the blindness of gods, who have been lulled into the thoughts of their own collossality and whose sensibility has subsequently weakend, to the aesthetics of the times. Divine blindness is a travelogue, a dance show, a philosophical debate and a critique. # whatisartnow #heroesoftheartworld #mainstreamestablishement #ecologieofart
Autor / Author: Martina Granić
Izvode/ Performing: Mia Zalukar, Matea Miković, Martina Granić
Glazba / Music: Aldo Orlić – Zolium
Koreografija / Choreography: Martina Granić
Dramaturgija, Tekst / Dramaturgy, Text: Martina Granić
Plesni materijali / Dance Creation: Mia Zalukar, Matea Miković, Martina Granić
Grafičko oblikovanje / Graphic design: Martina Granić, Paško Gaćina
Scenografija / Set design: Martina Granić
Kostimografija / Costume design: Martina Granić
Esej / Essay: Irena Tomašić
Fotografija, Trejler / Photography, Trailer: Neven Petrović
Promocija / Promotion: Tena Šarić
Asistent projekta / Project Assistant: Karla Milički
Izrada kostima / Costume creation: Kristina Tešija
Prijevod / Translation:
Nina Sakić, Andreja Rožić
Lektura: Josh Fenton Thomas
Zahvale / Thanks to: My Family, Mia Zalukar, Filipa Bavčević, Josh Fenton Thomas, Mario Mlakar, Sandra Šok
Produkcija / Produced by: Plesni kolektic d_lc
Ko-produkcija / Co-production: Zagrebački plesni centar / Zagreb dance center
Pokrovitelj / Supported by:
Grad Zagreb / City of Zagreb
Zagrebački plesni centar / Zagreb Dance Center:
Voditeljica programa / Program Director: Martina Nevistić
Producent / Producer: Jure Matulić
PR i Marketing / PR & Marketing: Martina Marin
Tehnika / Technical support: Duško Richtermoc
Dizajn rasvjete / Light Design: Marino Frankola
Blagajna /Box office: Gorki Bajrić, Lena Marinković
Tehničko osoblje / Technical staff: Antea Šesto